The Researcher in Relation to His Leader

This article will help you see research from “the other side of the desk" through helping you better understand what your leader needs from you as a researcher,

1A. Your leader needs to understand the value of research.
1B. Although this should be a given in OC, it may not be a 1OO% reality on all OC fields.
2B. The researcher therefore needs to begin by seeking to understand were the leader is in his understanding of the need for and value of research.
3B. The researcher may need to graciously help the leader understand how well done and relevant research will assist him to succeed in doing his job as a leader. The better the leader understands this, the more value he will give to research.
2A. Your leader needs an understanding of reality.
1B. According to Max Depree, the first task of a leader is to define reality.
2B. There can be a huge difference between perceptions and reality.
3B. Understanding present reality helps the leader to lead the team in planning how to change the current reality for a better future.
3A. Your leader needs specific research aimed toward a very specific action (what is called in the field of Organizational Development “action research”).
1B. In most cases your leader does not need “general” research.
2B. ln order to have action research you need to decide ahead of time (with your leader) how the proposed research will be used.
3B. For example, will it be motivational (DAWN-type research), for decision making for leadership, etc.?
4A- Your leader needs solutions, not just problems.
1B. Your leader already feels that he has more problems than he has time to adequately address.
2B. Therefore, in addition to defining reality (which will always involve problems), the researcher should make a reasonable attempt to come up with recommendations for solving the problems and overcoming the hurdles they discover in the course of their research.
3B. A leader needs help in deciding if something is a problem (i.e. something that can be changed) or a context (i.e. something that can’t be changed – by us at least).
5A. Your leader needs the researcher to see the “big picture” and present the data with that in mind.
1B. Many researchers are by nature detail people whereas the leader is responsible to look at the entire picture.
2B. It is therefore important for the researcher to step back and seek to see the whole picture and how their research tits into the whole.
6A. Your leader needs an analysis of the data, not just a pile of neat data in neat format
1B. In most cases you will understand the data much better than the leader.
2B. Give them something that they can use to lead.
7A. Your leader needs a researcher who is not easily threatened or defensive about either their data or their conclusions.
1B. The researcher needs to be open to searching questions.
2B. The greater the involvement of the entire team in interacting about the research, the greater the potential impact of the research.
8A. Your leader needs a researcher who sees himself as part of the team.
1B. The research needs to be carried out in support of the overall goals of the team.
2B. The researcher needs to see himself as the servant of his teammates and the church.