Here are some of the steps to create a OC Research FAQ article.
Create your content.
- On the navigation menu on the left, click "Add Content".
- You will be offered different types of content to create. Choose FAQ (this is important as all FAQ articles go under the FAQ menu).
- A screen will open where you can enter the title and the body.
- The Title should be the FAQ question.
- The Body is the answer to the question.
- Currently the text format is filtered HTML.This allows you some basic formatting options. See the help menu to find a list of filtered html options. Of course you can go to full HTML code if you want more options.
- Check over spelling, punctuation, format, etc.
Publish your content
- When you have entered and formatted your text, scroll to the bottom of the page.
- Click on "Publishing options".
- Make sure that the "Promote to the front page" box is not checked - otherwise this FAQ will show up on the front page.
- You may want to preview your work, especially if you've added filtered HTML code. Scroll to the bottom of the screen. Click the "preview" icon. If you need to make any changes, stroll down and there is an editing screen below the preview screen.
- Save your work.
- If you need to edit a page, you can access this page through "Dashboard".
- The module used to create this FAQ page is Views Accordion. It has many settings that can be customized.
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