In what ways do people change? This is a fundamental question when creating any "learning" program, especially for a mission like ours that has the word "Transformation" in our vision statement. (See our Tagline in the logo here.)
Our Global Research Team sometimes uses the paradigm "K-A-P" to describe human change.
- K is Knowledge – Did our ministry impart information that became part of the knowledge base of the participant?
A is Attitude – Did the participant experience Christlike change in the way they think or feel?
P is Practice >– Does the participant now live/do things in a more God-honoring way?
Another way to describe this is "Head-Heart-Hands" impact. As complicated as it sometimes is to do, OC missionaries believe ministry can improve if we determine if/how head, heart, and/or hands have changed because of what we do for those we serve.
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