This is the portal for articles related to the 2017 National Church Planting Process Survey.
Currently three articles based on the NCPP Survey are available with more to come.

7 Key Insights that Advance Nationwide Disciple Making Processes

This brief paper presents significant insights that emerged from the analysis of participant responses the 2017 National Church Planting Process Survey. These insights, which when acted upon, can guide the development of effective nationwide disciple making processes. Here are the seven key insights:
  1. The “ideal” DAWN strategy is effective.
  2. National Church Leadership is the most significant factor for developing a whole nation church planting process.
  3. “Seminars and Consultations” is the second most significant factor contributing to an effective nationwide disciple making process.
  4. Relationships are foundational to a fruitful national process.
  5. Continually refine the process.
  6. Think critically about it is going to take to disciple the whole nation.
  7. Success requires a long obedience in the same direction.

The conclusion suggests practical ways that this research can guide the development whole-nation disciple making processes as we move toward AD 2050. Click here to view this report.

DAWN 2.0

DAWN 2.0, was shared at a gathering of international church planting catalysts in Berlin, Germany (February 2018). This paper gives the broadest perspective on the development of the research project and findings. The conclusion suggests how the new insights from this study integrate with the "ideal" DAWN strategy to better guide the process of discipling whole nations. Click here to view this report.

“The Vital Role of Church Leadership in Advancing a National Church Planting Process”

This paper was presented at the 8th Lausanne International Researchers’ Conference in Nairobi, Kenya (May 2018). The primary focus of this paper is on the role of Church leadership in promoting a national church planting process, since this was the most significant factor identified in this National Church Planting Process study. This is the clearest presentation of the statistical analysis. Click here to view this report