Level 2.0 of our online research training is now available at the OC Learning Center.
- Module 2.1 focuses on the purposes of mission research
Module 2.2 provides a overview of a ten step process used in mission research
Modules under development will provide indepth training related to each step of the research process.
Also check out our research wiki for other resources related to research training.
Level 2.0 in the “Finding Your Way with OC Research” series was created for three groups of people in mind: Team Leaders, Mission Information Workers and Field Researchers.
Team Leaders are included because the effectiveness of the ministry teams and church ministries depends upon leadership. For research to be a vital part of ministry, leaders must first value the need for accurate, contextually relevant information in order to develop effective strategies and evaluate ministries. Leaders must also have the skills and tools to lead the team through the mission information cycle.
Mission Information Workers. These people probably say they are not researchers. However they are involved in the process of asking contextually relevant ministry questions, analyzing data, and applying derived insights to develop fruitful ministries that disciple the nations, bringing God’s transformation to lives, communities and nations. This course will help this group of people to become aware of the best practices for working with mission information.
Field Researchers. These people devote a significant portion of their time to mission research. Field Researchers also have the opportunity to assist national researchers, local workers and other organizations to implement contextually relevant research projects and develop local solutions. This second level of training not only provides the Field Researcher with essential "know how", but provides tools to develop other mission information workers.
Although this training has been specifically developed for workers within the OC Global Alliance, any team leader, mission information worker or researcher is invited to check our research courses at the OC Learning center.
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