Research is the structured gathering and organization of data, which when organized and understood, becomes information. The information becomes knowledge when we begin to discern the implications of that information and it becomes wisdom as we use it to shape our outlook and plans for the future and increase our effectiveness. OC Research includes this entire process. It is not just gathering the data. We understand that gathering and organizing data can be a satisfying pursuit in itself. God created us with curious minds. The exhilaration of discovering something new is a wonderful, God-given emotion,
Because we have limited personnel and resources, as much as is practical, we seek to focus our research on the questions that will influence our future ministry strategies, So as we plan our research, we ask, “What do we need to know in order to make the next strategy decision?" Those who hold information have a great responsibility before God to use that information for Godly purposes, So, we are very concerned about how our research is used. We seek God to reveal His interpretation of the facts and the implications it carries for the future as we seek to carry out his will.
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