Why do research?

One thing that makes OC Research unique is that it holds an integral and explicit part in OC`s stated organizational strategy: “Using Research, Motivation and Training we Mobilize the Christian leaders to reach their nations and beyond.” So, why is research found right there at the beginning of our strategy? Perhaps Proverbs 18:15 can help clear this up: “The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge; the ears of the wise seek it out." As we seek to wisely discern God`s will for our work and ministry, we recognize that we need to seek out knowledge. The process of seeking out knowledge is what we in OC call "Research.”

Research in OC helps our ministries in several ways:

  • Research leads to good ministry strategies. Answers to questions like what is God doing and wanting to do in a certain context, where are the needs, what ministry methods are being used by God to meet those needs most effectively, what needs are not being met, and how can the wider body of Christ better cooperate to bring the transforming power of the Gospel to their nations will lead to key strategies for OC and others as we seek to carry out our Lord’s Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20)
  • Research leads to greater effectiveness in our work and ministries. As we use Research to evaluate our progress in carrying out the strategies the Lord has led us to, we learn how to do it better in the future. Our research should always point us forward as we learn from the past and present.
  • Research motivates and challenges the church. As we research the church in its context, we have information that, when shared with Godly people in those countries and contexts, will motivate and challenge them in their work for the Lord. It is our experience that as good Research clarifies the situation, God moves in people’s hearts to do His will.
  • Research leads to focused intercession. God wants us to pray that His Kingdom would come on Earth. Clearly seeing the needs motivates the body of Christ to call out to God to meet those needs. Movements of intercession for the nations are built on good information that is gathered through Research.