
Articles about research philosophy

Cycle of the Research Process

The following diagram illustrates the on-going cycle of the research process. Note how research informs the decision making process in the "Apply the Results" and "Determine Ministry Needs" phases.

Harvest Field and Harvest Force

Missionary Field researchers strive to provide strategic information regarding two domains: the Harvest Field and the Harvest Force. Harvest Field refers to the target culture and people group. This is the context of ministry. Harvest Force refers to the Church and specifically Christian workers and leaders. It is important to understand the context of ministry in order to make good decisions.This article will further describes the types of issues that are investigated in each area.

Evaluating Your Ministry

Periodic evaluation of ministry is necessary to ongoing development and innovation. It is a sign of godly wisdom to consider or evaluate one’s way. Evaluation is a part of OC culture. Research tools and techniques can be used to aid evaluation the evaluation process. Specific examples of how Surveys, Focus Groups, Interviews, Participant Observation, Time Management Evaluations and Formal Research Projects can be used to evaluate ministry.


Developing a Research Plan

This article provides practical guidance for developing a research plan.


  • Why develop a research plan?
  • Asking the right questions
  • Steps to develop a research plan

Why develop a research plan?
There are at least seven reasons why it is prudent to develop a research plan.

Four Levels of Ministry Research

Research activity can be categorized according to its scope and purpose. There are at least four categories or levels.

Purpose of OC Field Research

It is essential that both practicing field researchers and their teams fully comprehend not only the purpose statement for OC research, but also the manner in which it is interwoven and foundational for team ministry on the fields. It should be recognized that OC research has both internal and external dimensions. Further, there are subdivisions within these two categories. These are the elements peculiar to OC which differentiate it from the research practices of other missions and organizations.

1. General Purpose

OC Research: The First Thirty Years

1. In terms of OC Research, what is the platform we’re standing on right now?

Planning a Direction for Ministry and Research

The attached file illustrates the process for planning a direction for ministry.

The role of Research is highlighted in this process. Research helps to:

  1. Understand the context
  2. Determine needs
  3. Establish SMART goals
  4. Identify current resources
  5. Identify future resources
  6. Identify "fruitful" practices
  7. Evaluate our "fruit"

The Researcher in Relation to His Leader

This article will help you see research from “the other side of the desk" through helping you better understand what your leader needs from you as a researcher,

Contributions of Research

Research can make valuable contributions to ministry:


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