"One of the best analyses of prayer I have ever seen..."

In the fall of 2016 the Global Research Team undertook an ambitious project at the request Vision Synergy and SRG to discover and document the state of prayer movements focused on the Middle East and North Africa region (MENA). The study's purposes were to identify ways to increase prayer for the region, identify effective prayer approaches, and learn more about those who are leading and engaging in MENA-focused prayer. A prayer coordinator for Wycliffe called this "one of the best analyses of prayer I have ever seen."

This study of MENA prayer has many more insights! Click here to review the Executive Summary.

one of the best analyses of prayer I have ever seen
For example, in addition to describing the activity of the prayer networks, the report suggests actions that can enhance prayer mobilization for the MENA region, such as: .

  • Don’t let security prevent mobilization
  • Increase sharing answers to prayer to encourage intercessors
  • Increase measurement and self-awareness for continuous improvement
  • Increase tech savvy and learn new tools
  • Focus more on email and Twitter
  • Diversify target audience, methods and broadly mobilize
  • Replicate and distribute prayer requests in a variety of languages
  • Increase the link between prayer mobilization and giving
  • Build up links between ‘on the ground’ ministry and prayer networks
  • Link and share requests with other networks

The Executive Summary includes:

  • the background for this study of MENA prayer initiatives
  • findings from a review of prayer websites
  • findings from the survey of “Prayer Producers"
  • findings from a survey of “Prayer Intercessors”
  • a section on an application of all those findings to MENA Prayer Initiatives
  • a set of recommendations the researchers conclude would further benefit and enrich the mobilization of prayer for the MENA region.