OC has 31 research-related books available for loan. If you would like to borrow a book, send us a message so we can send it your way. Here are the available books:
Breakthrough! Stan Nussbaum
Case Study Research: Design and Methods. Robert K. Yin.
Community, Culture and Processes. Willaim B. Gudyknust et. al. eds.
Contemporary Christian Communications: Its Theory and Practice. James F. Engel
Culture’s Consequences: International Differences in Work-Related Values. Geert Hofsted.
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Exploring the Land: Discovering Ways for Unreached People to Follow Christ. Shane Bennett, and Kim Felder
Field Methods in Cross-cultural Research. Walter J. Lonner and John W. Berry, eds.
Getting Your Message Across. Applied Principles in Gospel Communicatin. James F. Engel.
Handbook of Intercultural communication. Molefi Kete Asante, Eileen Newmark, Cecil A. Blake, eds.
Handbook of Research Design in Social Measurement. Fifth Edition. Delbert C. Miller
How Can I Get Them To Listen? A Handbook on Communication Strategy and Research. James F. Engel
How To Think About Statistics. John L. Philips, Jr.
Intercultural Communication Theory. William B. Gudyknust, ed.
Intercultural Interactions: A Practical Guide. Richard W. Brislin et. al.
Mass Media Research: An Introduction. Seventh Edition.Roger D. Wimmer and Joseph R. Dominick.
Media Research Techniques. Arthur Asa Berger
Methods for Intercultural Communication Research. William B. Gudykunst and Young Yum Kim, eds.
Multimethod Research: A Synthesis of Styles. John Brewer and Albert Hunter
Participant Observation. James P. Spradley
Practical Evaluation. Michael Quinn Patton
Practical Research: Planning and Design. Sixth Edition. Paul D. Leedy
Practical Sampling. Gary T. Henry.
Research Design: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. John W. Creswell.
Research in Church and Mission. Viggio Sogaard
Secondary Research: Information Sources and Methods. David W. Stewart
Survey Questions: Handcrafting the Standardized Questionnaire. Jean M. Converse and Stanley Presser
Survey Research Methods. Floyd J. Fowler Jr.
The Integrative Research Review: A Systematic Approach. Harris M. Cooper.
The Practice of Social Research. 4th Edition. Earl Babbie.
The Survey Research Handbook. Pamela ALreck and Robert Settle.
What’s Gone Wrong with the Harvest? A Communications Strategy for The Church and World Evangelism. James F. Engel and Wilbert Norton.
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