
Need a helpful book on Research? Check it out from the OC Research Library

OC has 31 research-related books available for loan. If you would like to borrow a book, send us a message so we can send it your way. Here are the available books:

    Breakthrough! Stan Nussbaum
    Case Study Research: Design and Methods. Robert K. Yin.
    Community, Culture and Processes. Willaim B. Gudyknust et. al. eds.
    Contemporary Christian Communications: Its Theory and Practice. James F. Engel
    Culture’s Consequences: International Differences in Work-Related Values. Geert Hofsted.

Click the "Read more" link to view the entire list of books available.

Fascinating Research Reading

Here are several-recent research based reports and books about religion that make fascinating reading.

Brazil’s Changing Religious Landscape

The Pew Forum published a report on Brazil’s Changing Religious Landscape (July 2013), which documents the rise of Protestant Churches in the world’s largest Roman Catholic Country. However the percentage of Roman Catholics in Brazil is declining. The fastest growing Protestant Groups in Brazil are Pentecostal, growing through conversion. This report is based on the Pew Forum’s analysis of Brazilian Census Data and provides a transferable model of how to analyze Census data from other countries.

Annotated Research Bibliography

This annotated bibliography focuses on Market Research, Church Growth, Spiritual Warfare and Research, and Statictics

Market Research

Alreck, Pamela L. and Robert B. Stettle.

The Survey Research Handbook (Homewood, IL: Irwin, 1985) This is the most thorough treatment of survey research and is an excellent resource if you expect to do these kind of projects. It is plainly written and contains lots of examples and samples and checklists.

Barna, George

Library Research

An early phase of any research project is library research. A researcher will want to determine what information already exists about the subject under investigation. Sometimes this is called a "Survey of the Literature."