This annotated bibliography focuses on Market Research, Church Growth, Spiritual Warfare and Research, and Statictics
Market Research
Alreck, Pamela L. and Robert B. Stettle.
The Survey Research Handbook (Homewood, IL: Irwin, 1985) This is the most thorough treatment of survey research and is an excellent resource if you expect to do these kind of projects. It is plainly written and contains lots of examples and samples and checklists.
Barna, George
The Frog in the Kettle ( Ventura, California: 1989) This book is a great example of what can be learned from surveys. What Americans Believe: An annual Survey of Values and Religious View in the United States (Ventura, California: 1991) This book is full of graphs and analysis which communicate clearly what the Americans think and believe about God, church, work, leisure, truth, and more. A great model of discerning the times.
Marketing the Church (Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1988) Barna brings a fresh perspective from his marketing background to the issues of church growth. This book applies marketing theory and principles the local church.
Engle, James.
How Can I Get Them to Listen (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1980) This is an excellent little book on the basics of survey research. It covers in greater detail, the principles discussed in the third section of this manual. lt has lots of examples and helpful hints for people working in developing countries.
Contemporary Christian Communications: It’s Theory and Practice (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1979) An excellent introduction to communications theory as well as help for motivating conversion and spiritual growth.
Motz, Arnell, Editor
Reclaiming a Nation: The Challenge of Re-Evangelizing Canada by the Year 2000 (Richmond, BC: Church Leadership Library, 1990) This book is a compilation of several very helpful studies and articles on church growth issues in Canada. It is a great model of the kinds of research which can be done to stimulate thinking, prayer and action.
Church Growth
Castillo, Met Q.
The Church in Thy House (Manila, RP: Alliance Publishers, 1982) An exposition of the biblical understanding of the Church is followed by a description and evaluation of the phenomena of the Filipino house church movement. Very helpful for the Filipino context and beyond.
McGavran, Donald A.
Understanding Church Growth (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans Publishing, 1970) This book is the granddaddy of them all, from the “Father of Church Growth”. lt is a must for anyone interested in research and church growth issues.
Montgomery, Jim
DAWN 2000: 7 Million Churches To Go (Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library, 1989) THE book on DAWN. The principles of the DAWN movement are clearly explained and many examples are given. More good material for teaching about church multiplication and whole nation strategies.
Sjoberg, Gideon and Roger Nett.
A Methodology for Social Research (New York: Harper & Row, 1968) This book deals with some of the theoretical issues raised in studying things as amorphous as social phenomena. Scholarly level of discussion.
Wagner, C. Peter.
Your Spiritual Gifts Can Help Your Church Grow (Glendale, CA: Regal Books:1979) As the title implies, this book elaborates what the gifts are, distinguishes them from talents and describes how they fit into church growth.
Leading Your Church to Growth (Ventura, CA: Regal Books, 1984) The subtitle is "The Secret of Pastor/People Partnership in Dynamic Church Growth" This is a book for pastors and change agents who what to see their local church grow. A standard text in church growth.
Strategies for Church Growth (Ventura, CA: Regal Books, 1987) Subtitled: "Tools for Effective Mission and Evangelism" This book makes practical the theory of planning strategies for church growth. There are sections on goal setting, doing research, planning for effective evangelism and mission. Lots of good material here.
The Church Growth Survey Handbook with Bob Waymire) (Milpitas, CA: 1984). This is a step by step handbook to apply to data from a local church.
Spiritual Warfare and Research
Dawson, John
Taking our Cities for God: How to Break Spiritual Strongholds (Lake l\/lary, Florida, Creation House:199O) An exposition on how to research, discern and pray for urban areas. "Our cities are the keys to winning the world for Christ. They are encumbered by staggering problems and opposed by cosmic spiritual forces, yet these vast urban centers hold millions of people whom God loves." (from the back cover.)
MlcAlpine, Thomas H.
Facing the Powers: What are the options? (Monrovia, CA, MARC:i991) An examination of the Reformed, Anabaptist, Third Wave and Social Science traditions regarding their explanations and methods of dealing with the supernatural.
Otis, Jr., George
The Last of the Giants: Lifting the Veil on Islam and the End Times (Tarrytown, NY, Fleming H. Revell Company, 1991) An interesting look at the 'restricted access' countries and the history of Islam. "Well-documented, well written and truly fascinating... One of the first efforts to explore the world of spiritual darkness in a global context... A major and valuable contribution to an extremely important subject." (from the back cover)
Wagner, C. Peter
Spiritual Power and Church Growth (Altamonte Springs, Florida: Strang Communications Company: 1986). This book analyzes the factors which are present in the rapid church growth of the Pentecostal church in Latin America.
Arkin, Raymond
Statistical Methods (New York: Barnes & Noble Books, 1970) A good first- book on statistics. Loaded with examples.
Source: OC Research Manual
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