OC Global Research Team; philosophy of research

On the Goal of Field Research

When sharing about the One Challenge’s use of field research, it is often helpful to bring an easy-to-overlook biblical passage into the discussion that illustrates what we intend to achieve.

    “…from Issachar, men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do—
    200 chiefs, with all their relatives under their command.…” (1 Chronicles 12:32 NIV)

Perhaps the first reading of this passage has you wondering “What great insight lays here?” But a closer look reveals that the chronicler highlights two distinctive characteristics of the leaders from the tribe of Issachar: first they understood the times; second they knew what Israel should do. This double description illustrates how One Challenge utilizes field research.

How can we serve you?

OC’s Global Research Team offers valuable services to the Body of Christ. Although the primary mission of the Global Research Team is to serve the field teams within the OC Global Alliance, we also assist outside partners and clients. These are some of the services that the Global Research Team offers.

Research Resources & Training
Evaluate Results
Survey/Interview your Constituency
Effectiveness Assessments
Analyze your Data
Reporting – Writing up Results
Clear & Challenging Look at your Reality
Help with Maps and Graphs