Here are some books that should be in a researcher's library:
Pamela L-Shreck, Robert B. Settle, The Survey Research Handbook. Irwin, 1995. $50 - hardback, $45 - paper. (Available used through
Earl Babbie, The Practice of Social Research. (Non-Info Track Version). Wadsworth Publishing Co.,2000. $75.95 (Older editions available used through and
Shane Bennett, Kim Pelder, Exploring the Land. Discovering Ways for Unreached People to Follow Christ. Caleb Project,l995. $25.00 (Available from Caleb Project 303/730-4170)
Edward R. Dayton, David A. Fraser, Planning Strategies for World Evangelization Revised Edition. Wm. B. Eedmans Publishing Company, 1990. $25.00.
James Engel, How Can l Get Them to Listen? Zondervan Publishing House, 1977. (Out of print but still a valuable resource)
David M. Fetterman. Ethnography: Step-by-Step, Sage Publications, 2010.
Darrell Hurt, How to Lie with Statistics. W. W. Norton & Company, 1993. $8.00.
Larry Kraft, Stephanie Kraft, Spying Out the Land: How to Understand Your City. 1995. (Unpublished manuscript available through the OC Research Department.)
Donald A. McGavran, C. Peter Wagner, Understanding Church Growth. 3” revised ed.. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1990. $14.40.
Stan Nussbaum. Breakthrough: Prayerful Productive Field Research in our Place of Ministry. 2nd edition. Global Mapping International, 2007. $21.95
OC International Research Manual. (available through OC Research Department)
Christian A Schwarz, Natural Church Development A Guide to Eight Essential Qualities of Healthy Churches. ChurchSmart Resources, 1995. (Available in English from ChurchSmart Resources. Check for other languages)
Viggo Sogaard, Research in Church and Mission. William Carey Library, 1996. Read on line at Google books
James P. Spradley. The Ethnographic Interview. Cencage, 1979.
James P. Spradley, Participant Observation. Holt, Rinehart and Winston 1997, $47.50.
Bob Waymire, C. Peter Wagner, The Church Growth Survey Handbook, 3” ed. 1984. (Available from OC International, $3.00. Spanish edition also available)
Bob Waymire, Discovering Your City. $15.00. (Available through Light International)
Roy A. Wingerd Jr, Dawn Research Handbook. Principles and Process of Research for A Dawn Project. Dawn Ministries, 1992. $11.09 (available through Dawn Ministries with advance notice to allow photocopying 719-548-7460)
*Unless otherwise noted, all availability and price information is from
06/ l5/2001 Prepared by OC Research, Updated 8/22/2013
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