Research Uncovers Remarkable Insights about Sub-Saharan Africans Going North

In 2016 the North Africa Disciple Making Movements Partnership asked the Global Research Team to help them gather information about Sub-Saharan Africans who moved to North Africa. This research sought to discover: What would be the best means for Sub-Saharan Africans to gain access to reside in North Africa so they could begin Disciple Making Movements?

Five workers in three North African countries interviewed 92 Sub-Saharan Africans, 57 of whom were followers of Jesus. The results of those interviews were entered into an online survey and subsequently analyzed.

The most common motivations to go North were to earn additional income, get a better job, and facilitate immigration. For students and recent graduates, their choice to go North was tied to scholarships, quality education programs, or receiving a good job offer. Only four respondents moved North because they felt a calling or desire to serve in North Africa. Read on for other remarkable insights about living in North Africa.


Finding Fruitful Discipleship Practices

Within OC we champion the idea that “Every ministry needs research.” This study from North Africa shows how partners are using evaluative research to improve their discipleship practices.

Fruitful Discipleship Practices research focuses on programs led by Arabs, especially Muslim background believers, in about ten countries, ranging from those facing great challenges to those leading fruitful discipleship movements. This research seeks to identify fruitful discipleship practices that lead to the successful planting of house churches across the North Africa and the Middle East. Three distinct groups are surveyed: leaders of training programs, leaders of discipleship groups, and disciples, when possible, to evaluate the effectiveness of the training. Surveys were developed in English and translated into Arabic and French. Data is being collected primarily by field workers. The information gathered is either directly entered into web-based surveys when secure internet connections are available or recorded on paper forms for later data entry when a secure link is available. The participating ministries will use the findings of this evaluative research to improve the fruitfulness of the discipleship training component of their church planting ministries.

Research that Guides Kingdom Impact Conference

The Movement of African National Initiatives (MANI) has invited the Lausanne International Researchers’ Network to Nairobi Kenya for the 8th Lausanne International Researchers’ Conference, 30 April through 4 May 2018.

The theme of this gathering is Research that Guides Kingdom Impact. Its purpose is to connect influencers and ideas as they relate to church research for global mission. It is designed to serve you, especially if you are:

  • An early-career researcher with a passion to learn new research methods, and share findings;
  • A leader in a mission agency keen to understand and act strategically on research results;
  • A Christian researcher with important findings to disseminate;
  • A member of a denominational Research Department;
  • A Christian involved in research wanting to meet others who do the same.

For more information about the 8th Lausanne International Researchers' Conference, visit the conference website at

"One of the best analyses of prayer I have ever seen..."

In the fall of 2016 the Global Research Team undertook an ambitious project at the request Vision Synergy and SRG to discover and document the state of prayer movements focused on the Middle East and North Africa region (MENA). The study's purposes were to identify ways to increase prayer for the region, identify effective prayer approaches, and learn more about those who are leading and engaging in MENA-focused prayer. A prayer coordinator for Wycliffe called this "one of the best analyses of prayer I have ever seen."

This study of MENA prayer has many more insights! Click here to review the Executive Summary.

Research LINK Summer 2017

The Summer edition of Research LINK focuses on the recent GMI grant of the Breakthrough Mentoring Suite to One Challenge and the creation of a Directory of Christian Organizations for Colorado Springs. We also share two thought provoking quotes from our colleagues at Global Mapping International, which closed its doors as of June 30, 2017 after 34 years of ministry. The Research Mentoring tab tells more about the how One Challenge is using Breakthrough Mentoring Suite.
You may subscribe to the Research LINK mailing list here.

One Challenge Becomes Steward of GMI Breakthrough Mentoring Suite

One Challenge is thrilled to have been chosen as the recipient of Global Mapping International's Breakthough Mentoring Suite, which includes the GMI Fellowship Program and research mentoring materials.

The Breakthrough Mentoring Suite provides a well defined, time proven process that empowers a mission worker to gather and analyze information to make effective ministry strategies. Two training curricula are included in the Breakthrough Mentoring Suite. The two-month version is called SearchLite. The one-year version is called Breakthrough. GMI is also transferring to One Challenge other resources to support the Breakthrough mentoring process. The Global Research Team is thrilled to be able to offer this training to those inside the OC Global Alliance and to other ministry partners. To learn more about the Breakthrough Mentoring Suite and other resources to help you become a better knowledge steward, click on the tab "Research Mentoring".

An Amazing Story of How Research Guided the Church in Brazil

In the late 1990's, we began to publish analyses of the status of the church in Brazil on the Internet and this seemed quite useful to the church at large. In one case, it was not until about 10 years later that we found out how the Lord had used some of this information. Here's the story:

In 2007, I met a Brazilian couple who had been studying theology in London and were preparing to return home to Brazil to serve the Lord there. They, like my wife and I, had experienced all kinds of cultural challenges when they moved to the UK, and we had a pleasant conversation about what we loved and missed about Brazil. We also learned about a moment when our experiences intersected there. Here is what they shared:

Research LINK Relaunched

The current issue of Research LINK. highlights two thought provoking resources from Africa that provide insight for training Christian leaders. The first was produced by members of our own South Africa Resource Team. The second highlights 17 insights into African Leadership. Even if you do not serve in Africa, the insights offered in the report will motivate you to critically reflect on ministry in your own context. Subscribe to the Research LINK mailing list here.

Done Research?

Have you done a mission research project that you would like to share with others? Your work may inspire and guide others to discover insights for a more fruitful ministry. So we’d love to add your work to the secure Research Archive, which only those who have an account at can access, or perhaps include it in the public Research Wiki or even share about your work on this research blog page. Start the process for sharing your mission research by contacting the Global Research Team at

17 Insights into African Leadership

The Africa Leadership Study asked over 8,000 African Christians to identify lay leaders, pastors and organizations demonstrating a high level of positive impact. Respondents were also asked to identify key components of mature, impactful leadership. The report of the study is entitled 17 Insights into Leadership in Africa.

In the middle of the 17 insights is a cluster of five key areas for developing the impact and influence of African leaders. Consider how these insights apply to your ministry:

Insight #6 African Christian leaders minister within multi ethnic and cross cultural settings where intercultural skills, competencies and commitments are crucial to success.

Insight #7 African Christian leaders are increasingly part of a digital world, although some have limited access. Ability to effectively use digital media such as internet, e-mail and social media to communicate with and train those served is becoming ever more important.


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