As a field workers enters a new culture, many "research projects" are initiated. A wise person will include several research oriented learning objectives into one's learning plan.
1. Learn about the People you serve
The following are some things you will want to learn about the people you are seeking to reach:
- Language
- Culture
- History
- Religion
- Specifics of church culture
2. “Foreign Living” Learning Projects
There are also other learning projects associated wit h living in a “foreign country”:
- Finding a place to live
- Obtaining a visa
- Using Public Transportation
- Medical Care
- Where and how to purchase food and other necessities
- Purchasing and registering a personal vehicle
- Prepare to proactively handle potential “dangers”
- Deal with “Culture Stress” or “Culture Shock”
3. Other possible mini-research projects
Your team leader should be able to suggest other relevant research projects to help you understand your new host culture. For example:
- Library and web research about the people you intend to reach
- Discover and Describe the spiritual condition of the neighborhood you live in.
- Write an ethnography of the people
- Determine the need for church planting in a neighborhood.
- A vision trip to a target area
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