I. Purposes of Church Growth Research
II. Approaches to Church Growth Research
III. Church Growth Research from the Macro to Micro
III. Denominational versus geographical research and strategies
IV.Practical Considerations
V. Resources about Church Growth
I. Purposes of Church Growth Research
- A. Identify and quantify those yet to be reached
- B. Discern how God has been and is working in the church/ society
- C. Gather information useful for planning
- 1. Evangelistic and church planting strategies
- 2. Discipleship and leadership training
II. Approaches to Church Growth Research
- A. Harvest Field (contextual) versus Harvest Force (institutional)
- B. Both quantitative and qualitative data are necessary and validate one another
- C. Typologies of Church Growth
- 1. Four types of church growth
- 2. 3-P Evangelism
- 3. By cultural barriers
III. Church Growth Research from the macro to the micro
- A. Whole nation research
- 1. Population growth and distribution
- 2. Language groupings
- 3. Cultural groupings
- 4. Barriers to the growth of the church
- a. Geographical
- b. Social/sociological (including religious)
- c. Political
- d. Linguistic
- 5. The national church and its growth and distribution
- 6. Qualitative survey research on the church and its context
- a. What are the needs of the church?
- b. How can the Gospel best be communicated in a certain context?
- c. Church health
- d. Responsive populations
- e. Research instruments must he designed with the end in sight {What do we need to know?)
- 7. Benefits
- a. Gives overall context within which the church must grow
- b. Challenges and encourages churches within the country to reach out to the regions less reached
- c. Allows the possibility of national unity around common goals
8. Most of these types of research can be repeated on a smaller scale
B. Regional (a geographical area of a common identity)
1. Could encompass more than one country or part of a larger country
2. Define elements of inclusion or exclusion
3. Identify unique characteristics
C. State or other geopolitical subdivision
1. Identify regional identity, if exists
2. Political peculiarities, if they exist
3. Many denominations have statewide conventions
D. City or Municipality
- 1. Some unique advantages
- a. Current city-wide strategies abound (this seems to be where the Spirit is moving at present)
- b. Demographic information available
- c. Working relationships already in place
- d. Common identity facilitates gathering of information
- e. Local churches get involved and provide laborers
- f. Strong commitment to use the information
- g. Funding possibilities
- 2. Difficulties to be overcome
- a. Religious rivalries and a lack of unity
- b. Diffused leadership
- c. Lack of cooperation
- d. Lack of vision
F. Neighborhood
1. It is necessary to divide up cities of more than 500.000 people
2. Especially useful if neighborhoods have cohesive self-identity
G. Local church or group of churches (denomination)
1. Purpose is to identify the causes of growth and non-growth
2. Helps leadership see more clearly how God is working
3. Aids in planning for the future
4. The Church Growth Survey Handbook by Bob Waymire and C. Peter Wagner provides a good model
IV. Denominational versus geographical research and strategies
- A. These two axes make up the grid (warp and wool’ of the fabric of a national church)
- B. Denominational network (e.g. DAWN in most of the world)
- 1. Advantages
- a. May keep good data on churches. converts and missionaries
- b. Often have a department of national missions to implement strategies
- 2. Disadvantages
- a. They may not have accurate or complete records
- b. They may overestimate the reliability of their records
- c. May be uncooperative or sectarian
- C. Geographical network
- 1. Advantages
- a. Geographical identity/commitment may be stronger than denominational
- b. Proximity For prayer
- 2. Disadvantages
- a. Local rivalries
- b. Maybe powerless to take action without denominational approval
- c. May not induce contagion (i.e. results from one region/city may not spread easily to others)
V. Practical Considerations
- A. Importance of prayer in the research process
- 1. Maintain objectivity
- 2. Spiritual discernment
B. Researchers have a spiritual responsibility (information is power to influence`)
C. The importance of accurate data (Satan uses erroneous data)
D. Maintain flexibility to choose strategies and target groups based upon needs of the context
E. Gather only data needed for decision making. Resist asking every possible question.
F. Develop channels of communication of the information to the decision makers with spiritual authority
G. There is a continual need for creativity to accompany move of the Holy Spirit
V. Resources on Church Growth
- Understanding Church Growth by Donald McGavran
- Strategies for Church Growth by C. Peter Wagner
- Discovering Your City by Bob Waymire and Carl Townsend
- Spying Out the Land by Larry & Stephanie Kraft
- City Reaching by Jack Dennison
- Church Growth Survey Handbook by Bob Waymire and C. Peter Wagner
Source: OC Research Training Program- June 25- July 6, 2001, Larry & Stephanie Kraft, Revised 2013
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