More information about this topic is found in Understanding your City by L & S Kraft, found in the Resource Downloads section under "Training".
A. Census of the people:
- Old Testament: 6 references blessed by God—Ex. 30:12, 38:25; Num 1:2, 26:2; 2 Chron. 2:17-18; 2 Kings 12:4. One condemned by God—2 Sam 24, 1 Chron 21. What was the difference?
- New Testament: The disciples were counted (Mark 3:14-19; Luke 10-the seventy; the 120 gathered in Acts 1:15; Jesus appeared to 500 in 1 Cor 15:6). The growth of the church clearly documented Acts 2:41, 4:4, 6:7.
B. Spying out the land (Moses, Joshua, Nehemiah)
- Moses – Num. 14:6-9
- Joshua – Joshua 2:23-24
- Nehemiah – Neh. 2:13-18
- Paul in Athens – Acts 17:22-23
C. Wisdom and Knowledge in Proverbs (96 references to Wisdom of which 13 also refer to knowledge as well; 35 references to knowledge in Proverbs)
- It is wise to value knowledge and foolish to not (Prov. 14:6, 15:7, 10:14, 15:2
- It is wise to seek after knowledge (Prov. 15:14, Prov. 18:15)
- It is prudent to act on the basis of knowledge (Prov. 8:12, 13:16, 14:18)
- It is useless to waste what you have learned on one who will not listen or use it (Prov. 23:9)
D. Jesus and the Harvest
Matthew 9:35-38
- Jesus recognized the state of the “Harvest Field” (those who need to hear and receive the Good News) and the “Harvest Force.” (Workers)
- Jesus was moved to compassion by what he saw.
- Jesus communicated what he “saw” to others.
- Jesus motivated others to pray about the problem of the Harvest Field and the Harvest Force.
John 4:27-42
- Jesus recognized when the harvest field was ripe for the harvest.
- Jesus tells his disciples to open their eyes to the harvest before them and to start harvesting.
E. Acts
- The early church counted the number of disciples being made. Note: • Acts 1:15 (120 persons); 2:41-47 (3,000 souls); 4:4 (5,000 men); 5:14; 11:19-26; 12:24 and 19:1-12.
- QUANTITY and QUALITY were both important. Note Acts 2:42-47; 4:30-35;
- Acts records both the FACTS and the FACTORS of Church Growth.
- Here is an example of managing knowledge to CONTEXTUALIZE the Gospel MESSAGE
- Paul shaped his message for those in Athens based on his understanding of their culture.
- Paul was intimately familiar with their customs, religious life, world view and literature.
- Here is an example of managing knowledge to CONTEXTUALIZE one’s MINISTRY.
- Paul became all things to all men by understanding cultural differences.
Church based research tracks the numerical, geographical and cross cultural expansion of the church (Facts/Quantity>; it also can measure the spiritual health (Quality) of the churches and seeks out the FACTORS that affect growth.
F. Paul and Cross Cultural Ministry
Acts 17:22-34
1 Corinthians 9:19-23
G. Knowledge and understanding are essential to the building of the Church and her victory against the forces of the enemy
- Jesus & Paul warn to beware of the schemes of the devil (Matt 10:16 and 2 Cor 2:11)
- Spiritual understanding is needed (Rom. 1:19-20), but the Lord also tells us to uncover and use the information available to us
- Proverbs emphasizes the need for good information guidance to wage war. (Prov. 24:3-6)
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