Information can aid effective ministry.
Read the following quote by Stan Nessbaum.
“Let me suggest that the New Testament mandate for research is hiding in plain sight in both the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. The Great Commission is a command to make disciples, and how can we make disciples of people we do not understand? Field research is an attempt to deepen our understanding of people in order to improve our communication and multiply our disciple-making.” Breakthrough, page 4.
Let's draw several conclusions as to why information can aid effective ministry. Information, gathered through research, will help us:
- Understand the people among whom we want to make disciples.
- Aid our communication
- Multiply disciples.
Let us also read the following definition of research.
"Ministry research is collecting and analyzing information to aid in the mobilization of the Body of Christ and in strategic planning in order to faithfully carry out the Great Commission of Jesus to make disciples of all nations. The purpose of field research is to perceive what the Holy Spirit is doing and where he wants to lead the Body of Christ, so we can cooperate with Him and be used by God in his harvest. It is not for our own edification or personal advancement, but so that we may better participate in God's plans and so that He may be glorified."
From this definition we can glean at least three ways information can aid effective ministry.
1. To align ourselves with what the Lord of the harvest is doing to fulfill the Great Commission
2. To assist strategic planning
3. To aid in the mobilization of the Body of Christ
To summarize here are some of the ways information can aid effective ministry:
- Make good choices
- Align ourselves with the Lord of the Harvest
- Mobilize others
- Understand our context and culture
- Understand people
- Develop a good communication strategy
- Accurately report ministry outcomes
- Identify challenges to making disciples
- Multiply disciples
- Measure obedience of disciples
- Strategic planning
- Ministry evaluation
- Decision to exit a field and redeploy
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