Research: "Hunting for facts or truth about a subject; inquiry; investigation. To search into; investigate carefully." World Book (Dictionary)
"Missiological research is not to accumulate interesting information but to correctly inform the people of God so as to bring vital information to bear on the task of world evangelization." India Church Growth Quarterly
"The purpose of marketing research is to provide information that, when properly collected, analyzed, and interpreted, will minimize the decision-making risk to the organization. Two of the most common uses of marketing research are for exploring new opportunities and gaining feedback on how adequately the organization is doing its job." Barna: Marketing the Church, P. 65
"Given an interest in unreached peoples and a commitment to evangelization, how does one discover the information necessary to develop a ministry strategy? This task can be done in a number of ways, including library research, interviews with experienced workers, systematic surveys, participant observations, and the use of extensive questionnaires." Barrett Unreached Peoples: Clarifying The Task, p. 85
"Church growth surveys are studies of the methods and results of church activity together with definite recommendations for increasing results; Surveys consist of techniques for objectively finding and interpreting the facts of growth. They use these techniques to find and explain the advances, plateaus, and declines in the group's growth. The survey strives to provide a foundation for change leading to more effective evangelism." Smith, A Manual for Church Growth Surveys, p. 5
"Surveys provide accurate information concerning growth or lack of growth. Only accurate information can provide a foundation for effective advance." Smith, A Manual for Church Growth Surveys, p. 8
"A willingness to evaluate honestly, analyze correctly, and adjust courageously is a prerequisite for progress. A survey provides opportunity to study the past in order to influence the future." Smith, A Manual for Church Growth Surveys, p. 8
"Surveys provide a springboard for needed change and new strategy. The facts of growth will point irresistibly toward needed changes. Investigating ways to effect these changes will lead to new strategy." Smith, A Manual for Church Growth Surveys, p. 8
“Research prepares the heart and mind with information which makes them more sensitive to the mind of God. Research is not the answer to the problem, rather the means to better understand the problem and to determine the answer." Paul Yaggy
"Church growth research is basically going observing what the Holy Spirit is doing in one area and applying those lessons in another area. Good research is Spirit-led research." Jim Montgomery
"But the conquering of the land [of Canaan] was not devoid of data gathering or what we might call ’research.' There were such activities as numbering, spying, observing, interviewing, listening and recording. These all related to the gathering of data for the task of possessing the land." Jim Montgomery
"Research can make clear how far the church has come in discipling a nation. It can reveal what people groups or segments of society are turning to Christ and what evangelistic and church planting methods the Holy Spirit has been blessing. It can point out specifically what needs to be done in the future. Research unveils the facts of growth. It shows how much (quantity) and how fast (rate) each denomination is growing. It points out where the church is growing best. Research can also reveal reasons for growth and non-growth. Research highlights the growing edge of the church, activities most responsible for gaining converts. It reveals the obstacles and hindrances to growth. It looks for those things in the context of the church--- government, religions, geography, economy and so on---that relate to growth, and it looks for those things in the institution of the church that relate to growth. Research turns the light on so that reality can be perceived. It takes the guesswork out of planning for the extension of the church. It keeps the church from being 'stupid' by making plans for growth 'before knowing the facts.'" Jim Montgomery
"In all our research and strategy, we seek to discover what the Holy Spirit is doing, where He is working, where hearts are prepared and the harvest is ripe. This helps the church to know where He wants laborers, and enables the church to be 'wise as serpents.' The Word reveals our Lord's desires and commands. Prayer aids in discerning His Word. Research brings existing facts to light. Strategy is how we put it all together in obedience for making disciples." OC International
"Simply stated, research is the gathering, storing, analyzing, and dissemination of information. Information on the harvest field is known as 'contextual research.' It describes the context (or the environment) in which the church exists and functions in its role of evangelization and discipleship. Information regarding the harvest force is called 'institutional research.' It describes the what and wherefores of the church itself, its numbers, its location, its strength and its weaknesses." OC International
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