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Proverbs 22:3 "The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty."
It is prudent to think about security issues before a problem arises. Here are a number of items field researchers should consider.
- The “Prior Question of Trust” (PQT)
- For gathering data, establishing trust is a huge issue.
- Why should anybody give us information in the first place?
- What steps do we need to take to gain trust?
- Who owns the information we gather?
- Who decides this and how?
- What information do you store?
- How securely do you store it?
- Protocols
- For disseminating information, how do you go about establishing data protocols?
- What should be included in these?
- Who do you include in the decision-making process?
- How do we go about getting ownership of these protocols?
- Data Security
- What data do you give out and what do you restrict to limited usage?
- What are legitimate uses of the information and what are not?
- How do we determine what to publish on the web versus keep in house?
- What is the purpose of our publishing of data, especially on the web?
- How do you do all of this in an environment where security is paramount?
- File sharing: Google docs, Drop Box, etc.
- Computer Security
- Theft of computers, telephones and PDAs does happen - so be proactive
- Use a password on your computer
- Traveling with data—should we encrypt our hard drives? Use encrypted volumes?
- How do we protect our e-mail and contact lists on our laptops, cell phones and PDAs?
- Memory sticks - easy to loose or be stolen
- Back up data regularly
- Fact: Hard drives do fail; computers are stolen
- Do back ups them regularly, especially before traveling
- If you are working with important files (data bases, reports, articles) back them up more frequently to a memory stick or on the cloud.
- Keep a back up copy off site to protect against from fire, floods, theft etc.
- Consider backups to the cloud - how secure?
- Data Management, Security and Encryption
- Secure Hard copies of data
- Data Encryption on hard drives and on removable media
- Consider splitting data bases so that contact information is in a separate file from the survey data.
- Traces left on computers
- Internet Security
- Use up to date antivirus/malware software
- Be aware of who might be able to read your screen in public places
- Data sent over the Internet - how secure is it?
- Big Brother is watching! Governments do stockpile e-mails, internet traffic and telephone conversations for possible investigation
- Consider using VPN – Virtual Private Network
- How secure is Skype, Go to Meeting, etc.?
- Mobile phone security
- Use a Password!
- Remote wipe and lock security app.
- GPS Locater
- Autoback up of contacts
Remember: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. - Benjamin Franklin
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