The following lists of survey questions pertaining to "Spiritual Mapping were compiled by Bob Waymire in the National Research Mobilization Handbook (1993).. More back ground about “spiritual mapping: can be found in Breaking Strongholds in Your City by C. Peter Wagner (1993, Regal Books) and Spiritual Mapping Field Guide-North American Edition by George K. Otis Jr. (1993, The Sentinel Group). These questions were originally compiled with the community in mind, but can be adapted to virtually any area.
I. Historical Research
II. Physical Research
III. Spiritual Research
Historical Research
I. The History of the Community
A. The founding of the community (area)
1. Who were the people who founded the community? Where did they some form and why?
2. What was their personal or corporate motive for founding the community? What were their beliefs, philosophies and religion? What was their vision for the future of the community?
3. 'What is the significance of the original name of the community?
- Has the name been changed?
- Are there other names or popular designations for the community?
- Do these names have meanings? Are they linked to religion of any sort? Are they demonic or occult names? Do they signify blessing? Curses? Do they highlight the city's redemptive gift?
- Do they reflect the character of the people of the community?
4. Are there any discenable designs or symbols embedded in the original plan or layout of the community? If so, where is their meaning? Did the Freemasons lay any of the cornerstones?
B. The later history of the community (area)
1. What role has the community played in the life and character of the nation as a whole?
2. Its prominent leaders have emerged in the community, what was their vision for their community? Who are the most influential figures in the community? Why? Are they religious?
3. Have any radical changed taken place in the government or political leadership of the community?
4. Have there been significant or sudden changed in the economic life of the community? Famine? Depression? Technology? Industry? Discovery of natural resources?
5. What significant immigration has occurred? Was there ever an imposition of a new language or culture on the community as a whole?
6. How have immigrants or minorities been treated? How have races or ethnic groups related to one another? Have community laws legitimized racism of any kind?
7. Have community leaders broken any treaties, contracts or covenants?
8. Have any wars directly affected the community? Were any battles fought in the community? Was there bloodshed?
9. How has the community treated the poor and oppressed? Has greed characterized community leaders? Is there evidence of corruption among political, economic or religious lenders and institutions?
10. What natural disasters have affected the community?
11. Does the community have a motto or slogan? What is its meaning?
12. What kinds of music do the people listen to? What is the message they receive from that music?
13. What five words would most people in the community use to characterize the positive features of their community today? What five words would they use for the negative features?
14. Is there known gross immorality in the city (abortion clinics, homosexual prominence, pornography shops.-stores, unwed mothers, etc.)?
II, History of Religion in the Community
A. Non-Christian religions
1. What were the religious views and practices of the people who inhabited the area before the community was founded?
2. Were religious considerations important in the founding of the community?
3. Have any non-Christian religions entered the community in significant proportions?
4. What secret orders (such as Freemasonry) have been prominent in the community?
5. What witches' covens, Satanist groups or other such cults have operated in the community? Were there any know curses placed on the city?
B. Christianity.
1. When, if ever, did Christianity enter the community? Under what circumstances?
2. Have any of the early or later Christian leaders been Freemasons?
3. What role has the Christian community played in the life of the community as a whole? Have there been changes in this?
4. Is Christianity in the community growing, plateaued, or declining?
5. Are the local churches in the community active in refuting immorality, e.g. abortions, pornography, homosexuality, etc.?
C. Relationships.
1. Has there been conflict between religions in the community?-
2. Has there been conflict between Christians?
3. What is the history of the church splits in the community?
Physical Research
1. Locate different maps of the community, especially the older ones. What changes have taken place in the physical characteristics of the community?
2. Who were the community planners who designed the community? ‘Were any Freemasons?
3. Are there any significant discernible designs or symbols embedded in the original plan or layout of the community?
4. Is there any significance in the architecture, location, or positional relationship of the central buildings, especially those representing the political, economic, educational or religious powers in the community? Did Freemasons lay any of the cornerstones?
5. Has there been any historical significance in the particular plot of land upon which one or more of these buildings are located? Who originally owned this land?
6. What is the background of the community's parks and plazas? Who commissioned and funded them? What significance might their names have?
7. What is the background and possible significance of the statues and monuments of the community? Do any reflect demonic characteristics or glorify the creature rather than the Creator?
8. What other art work is featured in the community, especially on or in public buildings, museums, or theaters? Look especially for sensual or demonic art.
9. Are there any prominent archaeological sites in the community? What meaning might they have?
10.. What is the location of highly visible centers of sin such as abortion clinics, pornographic bookstores or theaters, areas of prostitution, gambling, taverns, homosexual activities, etc.?
11. 'Where are areas that concentrate greed, exploitation, poverty, discrimination, violence, disease, or
12. Where are locations of past or present bloodshed through massacre, war or murder?
13. Does the position of trees, hills, stones, or rivers form any apparently significant pattern?
14. Do certain landmarks of the community have names which would not glorify God? Are there overt centers of idolatry (i.e. Hindu temples, Buddhist temples, Voodoo shrines}?
15. What is the highest geographical point in the community and what is built or located there? This can be a statement of authority.
16. Which zones or sectors or neighborhoods of your community seem to have characteristics of their own? Attempt to discern areas of the community which seem to have different spiritual environments.
Spiritual Research
A. Non-Christian
1. What are the names of the principal deities or territorial spirits associated with the community pastor present? Do many of the people believe in Satan? Are there known Satanists?
2. What are the locations of high places, altars, temples, monuments or buildings associated with witchcraft, occult, fortune telling, Satanism, Freemasonry, Mormonism, Eastern religions,
Jehovah's Witnesses, and the like, Do these form any patterns when plotted on a map?
3. What are the sites of pagan worship from the past, even before the community was founded?
4. What are the different cultural comets which might contain art or artifacts connected with pagan worship?
5. Has any community leader knowingly dedicated himself or herself to a pagan god or a principality?
6. Were any known curses placed by the original inhabitants on the land or people who founded the community?
B. Christian
1. How have God*s messengers been received by the community?
2. Has evangelism been easy or hard?
3. Where are the churches located? Which of them would you see as "life giving" churches?
4. What is the health of the churches in the community?
5. Who arc the Christian leaders considered as "elders of the community?"
6. Is it easy to pray in all areas of the community?
7. What is the status of unity among Christian leaders across ethnic and denominational lines?
8. What is the view of community leaders toward Christian morality?
C. Revelational
1. What are the recognized, mature intercessors hearing from God concerning the community?
2. What is the identity of the ranking principalities seemingly in control of the community as a whole or certain areas of the community life or territory?
3. Is there a sense of hopeful expectancy among the ranks of the believers?
4. Is there evidence that God is moving in a new and sovereign way in the community? Are there outbreaks of divine signs and wonders? Have these been confirmed?
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